4 oz | 237 uses
kukui nut oil*, grapeseed oil**, avocado oil**, clove*
kukui oil - rich in vitamin C + citric acid, helps eliminate blackheads, protects against sun damage, lessens the appearance of scars
grapeseed oil - unclogs pores, tightens skin, restores collagen
avocado oil - protects against skin damage, repairs skin damage, rejuvenates skin cells, deeply moisturizes, vitamins A, D + E protect against UV rays
clove - antibacterial & antifungal properties prevent acne, reduces inflammation, induces restfulness
Estimated # of uses
Based on a .5ml portion, you'll use this serum 237 times per bottle.
Why 4 ounces?
One use = the size of a pomegranate seed. Four ounces will last you longer than competing products + make the planet happier with less package waste. This larger size glass bottle feels great in your hand, is a stunner on the shelf + can be reused.
Sensory Profile
Light yet is deeply absorbed by skin. A smooth + creamy oil softly scented with a warming earthy spice for relaxation. An overall badass.
Face Care Ritual
Cover the opened top with the inside of your palm + tilt the bottle 180 degrees then 180 degrees back to upright position. Rub hands together + massage onto face in upward circles with slow deep breaths. YUMMMM. Use morning or night depending on your skin type (what’s my bespoke routine?).
Hair | Body | Home
Oil cleanser + makeup remover
Hair moisturizing oil (oil training - all the rage)
Hand + cuticle oil
Dry areas anywhere on the body
Massage oil + temple rub
Smooth over a recently closed wound for scar prevention
Use as an oil base + combine with a perfume oil or essential oil to scent a room
Substitute WD-40 (has not been tested... but let us know if it works)